




Screenshot 2021 02 18 at 104606

February - Snow, fantastic examples of remote learning, and our TryAngle Award.

Trans ws

Wdyw timeline

January saw schools close for a 3rd lockdown (Covid pandemic) and we once again moved to remote learning. Moving our Y5&6 transition workshops online for the first time, with great success. 

We also saw the introduction of 'Why don't you Wednesday's (WDYW) encouraging our students period 5 to be screen free/creative/go outside. 



Y7 1st day September saw the return to school (Covid secure) and Year 7 first day! 
Awards virtual night Our first ever 'Virtual' Awards Evening, celebrating students successes. 
Sports day1 Our first ever 'Virtual Sports Day' was a hit!
Good Schools Guide Invicta voted Best Secondary School in Kent! by the Real Schools Guide 2020
Virtual y56 movie night We proudly maintained our Transition 'Virtual' workshops online with Years 5 & 6.
Clubs hubs online Many of our Clubs/Hubs continued 'Virtual' online.
Kpe visors We began making Visors for the community.
Creative homeschool Our Keeping Busy emails began - with students sending in challenges.
Easter quiz We saw the start of our many Virtual Quiz Nights raising valuable funds for St Johns Ambulance.
Viat creative comp VIAT Stay Creative campaign started
Virtual school starts Schools close due to Covid 19.  Virtual School started with Microsoft Teams.

Int school award

Inivcta was awarded The International School Award 2019-2022 which recognises schools that have shown a commitment to embedding international awareness and understanding within their school.

8 oct 2020 photo head girl head boy5

Maria and Luke were voted Head Girl and Head Boy.
Igs swimming team Team Gold!  IGS Swimming Team at Benenden Swim Festival.


Igs football team

Our girls football team became joint winners of the Kent Schools FA Cup!


Cern trip

CERN Trip to Geneva European Nuclear Physics Research HQ.


Pizza express

Invicta took over Pizza Express!


House walk

Our first House Creativity Day.  Raising £1200 and reducing our carbon footprint.


Bletchley park

Bletchley Park - Year 9


Cern trip

FerMUN Conference 

Ski trip


Ski trip to Courmayeur, Italy


IMG 3767 We welcomed over 40 members our Alumni back to the school for coffee, a chat and a tour of the school.
Lizzie and Dom were voted Head Girl and Head Boy


Francesca and joe 1 Francesca and Joe were voted Head Girls and Head Boy.
World book day 2018 47 World Book Day was celebrated by students dressing as their favourite character.
Pro excel dance 20 Dancers from Invicta performed at The London Stadium before a rugby game.
Snow 26 It snowed in Maidstone!
2018 piano soiree 17 A piano Soiree was held.
Charlotte fife 1 Charlotte was a finalist in the Kent Messenger's Young Cooks 2018 Competition.
Geneva day 3 group Students attended the MUNGA Conference in Geneva.
Dofe awards gold 6 Students were presented with their Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards.



Rag heroes and villans 3 RAG Week raised and amazing £7921.96!
2017 christmas child boxes 3 Operation Christmas Child collected over 200 boxes for children around the world.
Hong kong exchange 2 Invicta established and exchange program with a school from Hong Kong. Students enjoyed showing their partners to the attractions around Maidstone and London.
Pop eastborough 57 East Borough Primary School joined VIAT, Valley Invicta Academy Trust.
Autumn concert 124 The Autumn Concert was outstanding!
IMG 1234 Daisy, Melissa and Megan won a bench for the school grounds after entering Maidstone Musuem's Treasures for Trash competition.
Kent young chef award 4 Millie was a finalist at the Kent Young Chef Award in November.
2017 international cutural festival 22 Invicta held its fourth annual International Cultural Festival with 35 countries represented. Children from local primary schools attended.
Group ceremony World School was in Australia.
Gold d of e 161 16 students completed their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award.


An amazing, record-breaking £50,421 was raised in the school year, 2016-2017 for the chosen RAG and other charities.
2017 invicta awards 24 Invicta's Award Evening guest presenters were former students Lucy Harden and Matilda Knowler and one of the UK's top sprinters Tommy Ramdhan.
Img 1064 Invicta's Young Chamber and Interact Groups organised their third Murder Mystery event to raise money for AICM and SUDEP.
Montreal canada 75 Students went on a 10 day exchange to Invicta's partner school, Trafalgar School for Girls in Montreal, Canada.
2017 barbados sports tour 152 The Sports Tour was to Barbados.
2017 world challenge india 301 The World Challenge Expedition was to Kerula,  India. 
Lombardy 3 There was an Italian Design Tour to Milan.
Alumni 2017 2 Alumni afternoon tea.
Narnia 077 The school production was The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
Summer concert 271 The Summer Concert was outstanding.
Yazmin taylor Max mcmanus  Yazmin and Max were voted Head Girl and Head Boy.
Kent teacher of the year Invicta had three teachers presented with awards at their annual Teacher of the Year event. Mrs Stephanie Robinson, Mr John Salsbury and Mrs Bev Swaffer.
2017 ski trip italy february 73 The ski trip was to Shampoluc, Italy.
Piano Soiree 2017 (46) A Piano Soiree was held in January.

Historic information provided by EIS and www.hereshistorykent.org.uk.




Rag oaps 46 RAG Week continued to be a very popular time at Invicta.
Operation christmas child boxes nov 16 10 Operation Christmas Child was supported once again.
Cert pres Our annual Certificate Presentation Evening had past student, and now actress, Samantha Giles and Editor, Trevor Sturgess, presenting certificates to the students.
24 hour row 2 Students and staff took part in a 24 hour row to raise funds for their Sports Tour in 2017.
Img 3975 There was a picnic on Vinters field as part of the anniversary celebrations. 
Invicta 20 An aerial photo of staff and students on the Astro turf was taken as part of the anniversary celebrations.


Nearly £47000 was raised in the school year, 2015-2016 for the chosen RAG charities.
Img 033 The school production was the Sound of Music.
Invicta117 Lacrosse was included in the sports on offer at the school.
2016 alumni 5 The school hosted their annual Alumni event.  An extra special event to mark the 75th Anniversary of a Girls Technical School in Maidstone and the 50th Anniversary of the school on the Huntsman Lane site.
PLI Dr Phil Limbert retired from Invicta.  

Julie Derrick and Vic Ashdown became joint CEOs of VIAT whilst remaining Headteachers of Invicta Grammar School and Valley Park School respectively.
2016 primary choir 5 A choir of students from feeder Primary Schools was created at Invicta.
Maidstone museum igs uniform 2 There was an exhibition of Maidstone Technical High School for Girls school uniform at Maidstone Musuem.
Emily cox 2016 2017Matt spry 2016 2017 Emily and Matt were voted Head Girl and Head Boy.


You can appeal dec 15 14 Students and staff donated cans of food for the 'You Can' appeal with the Salvation Army.
Jde dofe1 Julie Derrick met Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh.
Kent Cooks Winners Nov 15 blog Isabella won the Kent Cooks Competition.
International cultural festival 12 Invicta held their first International Culture Festival.
Figs autumn fair 2015 159 FIGS held their annual Autumn Fair.
Over 60's Race Tea (23) Invicta's Over 60s Club enjoyed an afternoon at the races.
Student prefects 2015 16 2mhaStudent prefects 2015 16 8 mha Georgia and Matt were voted Head Girl and Head Boy.


£43,002.88 was raised in the 2013 - 2014 academic school year for charity.
Grease Invicta July 15 (2) The school production was Grease.
Hactivists 1 Invicta was selected as part of the National Theatre Connections project to perform the Hactivists by Ben Ockrent.
1970s concert 2016 The Music Department held a 1970s style evening.


Official Opening Izatt Building The Izatt Building was officially opened by the Duke of Gloucester.  The building was named after David Izatt, a long serving school governor.
Invicta Over 60s (6) Invicta held its first Over 60s Club at school after replacing the Weavering Over 60s Club.
World School 2014 (637) World School 2014 was in Vladivostok, Russia.
Invicagirlsgrammar25 New sports facilities, including a 3G pitch were completed.
Katie Driver croppedAlex Warner cropped Katie and Alex were voted Head Girl and Head Boy.
Izatt 8 April 2014 (6) The Izatt Building opened in February 2014 replacing the English PODs.
Interact001 Invicta Grammar School received the Interact Rotary Charter making them officially Rotarians.
SWRY Perf (1a) The school production was Schools Will Rock You.


Over £30,161 was raised in the 2013 - 2014 academic school year for charity.
Skiing 3 In April there was a ski trip to La Thuile in Italy.
Km the wardrobe 03 Invicta's was selected, by the National Theatre's Connections project, to create a production of The Wardrobe.  Which was performed at The Marlowe Theatre in Canterbury.
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Carol service 12 december 2013 A Service of Readings and Carols for Advent was held at All Saints' Church on 12 December 2013.
2013 World School Tokyo (13) World School 2013 was held in Tokyo, Japan.
Lily NichollsJames Evans Lilly and James were voted Head Girl and Head Boy.
_ALM5360 Invicta held its first Alumni event for past Staff and Students.
028 The school production was a modern day interpretation of 'Romeo and Juliet'.
Igs18 The school blouse changed from sky blue to a maroon and white stripe.
Leeds Castle 2 Invicta student Hannah Marno won a competition to create a knight and princess characters for Leeds Castle.


Over £31,000 was raised for charity.
Skiing 4 In April there was a ski trip to La Plannibel, Italy.
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AAA photo (3) World School 2012 was held in Tennessee, USA.
Annabelle BrittleMatthew Burton 13C Annabelle and Matthew were voted Head Girl and Head Boy.


Over £32,000 was raised for charity.
Ofsted Invicta received an Outstanding rating by Ofsted.
P1110768 Invicta celebrated the Queens Jubilee with a whole school party.  There were competitions for the Jubilee Quiz, Queen's Portrait, Best Jubilee Costume and Best Dressed Table.
Leeds Castle 024 Two Invicta students carried the Olympic Torch through Maidstone.  The school was also fortunate to have an Olympic Torch in school for an assembly.
Oliver 009 The school production was 'Oliver!'.


P1110128 Invicta started the Over 60's ICT club.
Bee Club (1) Invicta had their first bee hive.


Over £20,00 was raised for charity.
CharlotteSam Charlotte and Sam were voted Head Girl and Head Boy.
Gyne The school production was Gyne - Helen of Troy.
My Fair Lady 2011 The all school production was My Fair Lady.
094 Invicta started a 2 year Comenius project with Product Design students and the luxury handbag designer Fratelli Rossetti.
P1100717 Invicta and the Kopernikus-Gymnasium Rheine in Germany, celebrated the 30th anniversary of exchanges.
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Julie Derrick Mrs Julie Derrick became Headteacher.
Lourdes webbDaniel keeler Lourdes and Daniel were voted Head Girl and Head Boy.
Business Studies trip to Hollywood (10) Business Studies students visited America as part of their studies. 
2010 Pink Day (82) Students enjoyed a 'Pink' non-uniform day with Helen Grant MP visiting the school dressed for the occasion.
  Invicta students formed a new Young Chamber board.
AustenBronteColvinCurieFrankNightingalePankhurstRoddick Student Houses were introduced: Austen, Bronte, Colvin, Curie, Frank, Nightingale, Pankhurst and Roddick.
Mid Summer Nights Dream 2010 Mid Summer Nights Dream.
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  Kate and Jonathan were voted Head Girl and Head Boy.
2009 Invicta Voice Spring Front Page The first Invicta Voice was launched by a student team.
  The school changed its management information system from SIMS to CMIS.
Food Technology A new Food Technology Room was fitted.
Interactive whiteboard Interactive whiteboards and multimedia projectors were installed in every classroom in the school.
Invicta081 The school switched to a cashless catering system.
Alice 004 The school production was Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
Evita 003 The school production was Evita.
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Over £20,000 was raised for charity.
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Ofsted Invicta received a Good with Outstanding features rating by Ofsted.
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PLI Dr Phil Limbert became Executive Headteacher.
Kirstin Cardus Ms Kirstin Cardus became Head of School.
P1010011 Staff visited Groutville in South Africa.
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Mike Liddicoat Mr Michael Liddicoat became Acting Head of School
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Mezzanine floor The school opened the Invicta Internet Café, the Mezzanine Floor, as a result of their Business and Enterprise status granted by the Government.
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Dominic griffiths and mark fielding 1997 Dominic Griffiths, Violin and Mark Fielding, Piano, gave a recital on 18 June 1997.
Hiawatha 1996 The School Production was Hiawatha.
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Fiona wight

Recital given by former student Fiona Wight.At 17 years old, Fiona won two national singing competitions.
In 1992 she won the Royal School of Church Music 'Choirgirl of the Year' competition.
In October 1994, she became the Radio 2  'Choirgirl of the Year.
She has now performed around the world in a wide variety of concerts, activities and with other musicians. 

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Sue Glanville Mrs Sue Glanville became Headteacher.
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  The school celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the foundation of the school. 
On 5 July 1991 the Annual Rose Day Service formed the focus of the planned day of celebration. The Mayor, local MP were guests together with approximately 800 former students and staff.
Dr Dick Dr Roland Dick retired after working at the school for 28 years from 1963 to 1991.
P1100292 Approval was granted for an all-weather games pitch funded by Mobil.
  The National Curriculum was introduced.  Technology was being considered as a National Curriculum Initiative in Year 9 in 1991-1992.
  Balanced Science was introduced with some students continuing to study the three separate sciences.
Guys and dolls The school production was Guys and Dolls.

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  The school changed its name to Invicta Grammar School due to boys being able to study at the school in the 6th form.
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Music auditorium
Front of school 2

The Albion Building opened.

The Music Auditorium opened.

The front of the school was remodelled.
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Albion Place 001

Albion Place was evacuated as a result of the hurricane on Thursday 15 October. There were plans to replace the building due to a road improvement scheme.

Matchgirls The school production was Matchgirls.
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Grease 2 The Staff Christmas Panto was Grease.
Msnd 010 The school production was A Midsummer Night's Dream which was staged in the round using a creative minimum of scenery and magnificent costumes and makeup.
Arethusa Alison Wooler sailed on the Arethusa, a 72ft ketch owned by the Shaftsbury Homes.
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The school changed its name to Invicta Grammar School for Girls.


Over £1000 was raised for charity.
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  Nicola Page was School Council Chairwoman.
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1950s staff Miss Price, Deputy Headmistress, retired in July 1983 after joining the school in 1945.
  The Chairman of the School Council was Mary-Jane Stevens.


Rag Week raised over £500.
Romeo and juliet The staff pantomime was Romeo and Juliet, written by Mr Earle Davies, a Sixth Form Tutor.
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Sauze italy A group of students and staff went on a ski-trip to Sauze d'Oulx in Western Italy.
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Cinderella Christmas of 1977 saw the first of the Staff Pantomimes written and performed by the staff.  The first pantomime was 'Cinderella.'
Agamemnon The Sixth Form performed a dance drama 'Agamemnon', the Greek legend concerning the King of Mycenae.
Rhodes There was a school cruise around the Island of Rhodes.
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  The school year 1976-1977 saw the third year of transfer at 13+ and the expansion of the School into a six form entry.
Miss Amy Thomas Miss Thomas, Headmistress from 1948-1965, died on 27 November.  Miss Thomas had a distinguished career in Kent for many years.  She was a woman of vision and outstanding intellect and then helped pioneer the new Technical Education which first developed in Kent at Chatham, Bexley and Maidstone.  It was due to Miss Thomas's foresight and persistence that the current school was built in Huntsman Lane.
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Orpheus The Sixth Form presented a dance drama 'Orpheus' which was performed in school and at the Marlowe Theatre in Canterbury.
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  The school changed its name to Maidstone School for Girls due to the technical studies emphasis having been reduced.
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  The school became a Thameside Upper School with entry changing to 13+.
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Mrs Blackburn Mrs Glenda Blackburn became Headmistress.
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  Miss Osborn, Headmistress, died 13 July 1968.
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Invicta Grammar School The new school building in Huntsman Lane opened.
  Girls entered the school following successfully completing the 11+ examination.
1950s staff Miss Mabel G Osborn became Headmistress of the Technical High School for Girls.
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1956 Staff Miss Amy Thomas became the Headmistress of the Technical High School for Girls at Albion Place.  Girls entered the school at 13 years old after successfully completing a competitive exam.
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1950s staff Miss Price joined the school which was a Department of the Technical College at the time.  She was renowned for teaching French, noticing students behaviour and appearance and for the daily TTAs.  Miss Price is bottom right in the picture which is believed to have been taken during the 1950s.
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Tonbridge westree road 1 The girls' section of the Commercial School was re-instituted in 1940 in the Tonbridge Road/Westree Road premises of the Boys' Technical School under Mr H Collins.
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  The Girls' Commercial Department closed at the end of the Summer Term 1921 as the result of widespread economy in the nation's finances known as the 'Geddes axe'.
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  In January, the Junior Technical High School for Boys and the Junior Commercial School for Girls were opened with the Principal of the Institute of Science and Art, Mr James Quick, as its first Headmaster.
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  The life of the school started when Technical Education was taken over by the Education Committee of the Kent County Council.

Education in Kent



The post-war baby boom, that peaked in 1947, necessitated about a 25% increase in expenditure in Kent on infant and junior schools in the 1950s. Despite this, spending on primary education remained relatively low and the pressure on accommodation, class sizes and resources continued till the 1990s. There were shortages of teachers, especially in the 1950s and 60s and KEC responded with emergency training in the 1940s, the takeover of Stockwell College in Bromley and the building of Sittingbourne and Nonnington Teacher Training Colleges in the 1960s. Curriculum change in the primary schools followed national patterns and developed steadily in the post war period with a notable improvement in standards towards the end of the 1990s.

Education for pupils with special educational needs was underdeveloped through much of the twentieth century. One school and a policy of sending the most severely disabled pupils out of the county characterised attitudes in the 1930s. The 1945 Act required KEC to look after eleven categories of children with special needs. Provision was established slowly. The School Psychology Service was formed in 1960 and there was considerable debate about policy. It was not until 1974 that there were 16 day schools, 11 boarding schools, 6 hospital schools, 11 units and 12 remedial centres. This was a revolution in the attitudes towards and support for, special needs. Since the 1970s more special needs children have been taken into mainstream schools with considerable emphasis placed on inclusion during the late 1990s.

In the 1920s and 30s there were 14 Technical Institutes and 10 Art Schools in the county. 17 of these institutions were housed in buildings constructed before 1900 and the standard of the accommodation was very poor. After 1945 the Kent Education Committee development plan outlined new provision for 10,000 places, however, there were no new buildings until the early 1960s when Bromley, Medway and North West Kent were developed. By the mid 1970s there had been considerable building including a new agricultural college at Hadlow. In 1993 further education colleges became independent of local authority funding.


1938 - 1945

The statistics for 1938 and 1945 show why the budget for education increased from £3 million to £5 million. In 1938 there were 103,00 pupils, 3,000 teachers and 597 schools. By 1945 this had increased to 161,000 pupils, 5,000 teachers and 838 schools, of which 500 had suffered war damage. There had also been several phases of evacuation to and from the county as well as the considerable war-time disruption of classes. By 1945 there was a desperate need for renewal.

The Education Act of 1944 allowed KEC to continue with 'the well tried bases of existing school types' thus maintaining a selective system in the county that continues today. It is a system that has been no more efficient than similar counties with comprehensive systems and which has consistently offered limited opportunities to those who do not pass the selection tests at eleven.


1918 - 1939

Between 1918 and 1939 there was increased expenditure on secondary education but this was hampered by recurring periods of extended financial stringency. The economic crises meant funds in Kent were in short supply. A significant proportion of the expenditure of the KEC was on new schools for the expanding north west of the county were 11,074 new school places were needed between 1933 and 1938.There were increased opportunities in secondary schools for a very limited number of pupils but they did not match the ambitions of the 1918 Education Act. In 1903, Kent provided 2,036 places in secondary schools; by 1929 this had risen to 12,263.

A similar increase had taken place in the art and technical schools where numbers had risen from 8,743 to 15,465. This reflected the interest of parents in the advantages of a secondary education but by the end of the 1930s only limited structural and physical reorganisation of the secondary system had been achieved. There was great diversity within the county and a very limited vision for most of its young people. Only in the late 1930s was there systematic financing and planning and no sooner had the economy improved than the impending war once again halted further expenditure.


1914 - 1918

Proposals by the Liberals to increase expenditure on education in 1914 promised a review but it was fatally halted by the war. Despite the conflict, the education system in Kent continued to grow but was seriously disrupted with 65% of KEC staff 'joining up'. The focus on reform returned towards the end of the war and was further supplemented by the public pressure that was represented by a 25% increase in the number of secondary school pupils between 1914 and 1918.
Moral posturing about the impact of juvenile employment during the war led to an outcry against the exploitation of children and this, with several other factors, turned the government's attention to reviewing the inequitable and inefficient secondary education system. After the war a government departmental committee noted that 'public education after the elementary school leaving age is a part-time affair. And there is very little of it.' This was certainly the case in Kent and it would not improve greatly in the inter-war years.


In 1900 secondary education places in the county were limited. The wealthy
used private tutors, sent their children to the Public Schools, or to one of the many private schools and academies. Those less well off had very few opportunities.

Some board schools developed classes for older pupils but these were very deliberately abolished by the education Act of 1902 which supported the grammar schools, that were in many cases competing unsuccessfully with the technical institutes.

Provision for girls at secondary level was very poor and a programme of new schools slowly increased the inadequate number of places available. Throughout this period the perception in the KEC was that elementary education was for the lower classes and that few would benefit from a secondary education. The focus at secondary level after 1902 was almost solely on the grammar schools for the middle classes.



The KEC had it origins in a sub committee of the Kent Technical Education Committee (KTEC) established in 1891 to administer funds released by the government from the Local Taxation Act of 1890. These funds, known as 'whisky money', were a duty raised on alcohol that was passed directly on to the newly established county councils to develop technical education or supplement the rates. The KTEC was established to provide grants for the establishment of technical institutes and grammar schools in towns, two agricultural colleges and several further education initiatives.

1870 Act

It cannot be claimed that 1870 created a new education culture, rather it was one that was different and one that became dominant model by the end of the century. The Education Act of 1870 forced the establishment of elected school boards to provide education where the presence of the voluntary societies was inadequate.
By 1901 there were 90 board schools in Kent and 342 voluntary schools many of which, according to the inspectors, were in a very poor state of repair. In the Act of 1902 the government delegated the funding of school boards and the voluntary schools in the primary sector to local authorities, which in the case of Kent was the Kent Education Committee (KEC).



The most accurate statistical picture of the state of education in Kent in the 1850s is provided by Ecclesiastical census of 1851. This census included one of the earliest assessments of educational provision. It reported that there were 638 Sunday schools with a total of 57,987 pupils and 6,416 teachers of whom only 338 were paid. In the summary tables Kent is listed as having 85,458 pupils in 1,930 day schools of which 1430 were private day schools and 590 were public day schools. There were also 27 workhouse schools, 8 military schools and 8 Naval schools. In 1851 the support for these schools came from a variety of sources, local taxation supported 43, endowments existed for 79 whilst 353 were supported by religious bodies, that left 25 public schools maintained by fees. There were 25 grammar schools for boys and a further 65 endowed schools. At the very bottom of the system the census records 10 Ragged schools, one agricultural school and 14 which were of 'no specific character'. This reinforces the picture of diversity in the provision of education in Kent prior to the 1870 Act.

Historic information provided by EIS and www.hereshistorykent.org.uk.





Twitter Wall

Twitter Wall



Join us for an exciting series of Transition Workshops this term, ranging from Young Philosophers to Music and Science. Spaces are limited, so be sure to secure your spot today by booking through our Eventbrite page via the link below!https://t.co/0P43MLFL8P#TransitionWorkshop pic.twitter.com/lEceBcnwRK


Winner of the Junior Science Award is Taliah Rothschild from . Congratulations! pic.twitter.com/3IhcXuCOAF


Betsy Ellis from has won the Future in Aviation Award. Congratulations Betsy! pic.twitter.com/WVK4L1LSDE


We are currently recruiting for several support staff positions. If you're passionate about education and looking to make a difference, we want to hear from you! To apply, please visit our website or follow the link below:https://t.co/Wp92LBvxMR pic.twitter.com/AKPSnemZDI


Last week, our Orchestra had their final rehearsal before Year 13 began their study leave, marking the occasion with a photo capturing all the instruments in harmony🎼 We look forward to welcoming back the full Orchestra with the Year 13 members for the upcoming Summer Concert! pic.twitter.com/Am4loN20Vk


Only a few hours left until Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10 take on the Maidstone Football Finals at the Gallagher Stadium tonight! - Our Year 7 team will be playing in two weeks. Year 8 Kick Off: 3:45pm Year 9 Kick Off: 5:30pm Year 10 Kick Off: 6:45pm We hope to see you there🌟 pic.twitter.com/RnVjcild4T


We are proud to announce this year's production will be James and the Giant Peach! 🍑 Rehearsals are underway, and we can't wait to bring this beloved story to life on stage. Keep your eyes peeled as we will be sharing sneak peeks of rehearsals in the coming weeks!#RoaldDahl pic.twitter.com/umRTEJFoC0


With Earth Day less than two weeks away, here are some ways to be more eco-friendly and better look after our Earth!#EarthDay pic.twitter.com/2wpO09fPoq


Spring has sprung at Invicta and yesterday our Year 7 and 8 POP Photography students enjoyed the first day of spring by focussing on natural textures!#Photography pic.twitter.com/VXK4Zh7tNz


KS2 enjoyed participating in language workshops on Tuesday morning, focusing on German, French and Spanish with some students from pic.twitter.com/seA6XOjMYz


KS2 enjoyed participating in language workshops on Tuesday morning, focusing on German, French and Spanish with some students from pic.twitter.com/seA6XOjMYz


Today is International Day of Mathematics🎉 At Invicta, we're passionate about empowering our students with the boundless potential of mathematics both in and outside the classroom! Join us as we discover the magic of numbers in everyday life! pic.twitter.com/uhDfB1ToUy


Last week marked a significant moment in Invicta's history as we gathered for our whole school photo, a rare event that takes place only once every 7 years. Here are some behind-the-scenes photos from the day, showcasing the infectious excitement and sense of community! pic.twitter.com/Y5RDLffV0C


Today we are capturing a moment in time with a whole school photo!📸 pic.twitter.com/Hya2nGJX2H


Students had a fantastic time during last week's POP sessions (Personal Opportunities Program)! We saw students engage with a host of new and familiar favourite activities including, Chess, Coding, Minecraft, Photography, Yoga, Crochet, Nature Walks and so many more! pic.twitter.com/bSmEMQ0Yo5


Our upcoming non-uniform day supports FIGS, our parent-teacher association. The theme is "Be Active!" It's a day to dress sporty and promote physical activity and wellness. Let's show our support for FIGS while staying active and healthy!#NonUniform pic.twitter.com/MZ6ljDx4TN


I had a lovely morning visit to today. The year 8s have been studying the movement & some of the specific stories I explore in my book, of Kent. It was lovely to talk about who grew up in pic.twitter.com/e5GiWrX4zb


I had a lovely morning visit to today. The year 8s have been studying the movement & some of the specific stories I explore in my book, of Kent. It was lovely to talk about who grew up in pic.twitter.com/e5GiWrX4zb


World Book Day is just over 2 weeks away now! What are some of your favourite books that you've read so far this year, who are your favourite authors... We'd love to hear your thoughts on reading, books and literature!#WorldBookDay pic.twitter.com/tZnX6Fd8WS


Join us for fab line up of Live Talks for 4-9 Mar delivered by aimed at https://t.co/3zmmUzLLnQ pic.twitter.com/G7sQFjiTQf


Join us for fab line up of Live Talks for 4-9 Mar delivered by aimed at https://t.co/3zmmUzLLnQ pic.twitter.com/G7sQFjiTQf


Last term, our Year 9 photographers explored aperture, depth of field and composition in their work to create these stunning photographs of miniature cars, inspired by the works of Kim Leuenberger! pic.twitter.com/jYOG8pXoS1


We currently have several vacancies available including a Teacher of MFL Spanish, a Receptionist and a Careers Advisor. If you are looking to join a friendly and encouraging team, please submit an application using the link below!https://t.co/Wp92LBuZXj pic.twitter.com/mLyLvveSza


Last week marked the Primary Literacy Challenge! Thanks to all the teams who attended, we hope you had a great time! See you at our Primary STEM challenge next term! Congratulations to for winning! 🏆🎉 pic.twitter.com/ILU5YmABv1


A reminder to students and parents that next Monday, 5 February is a non-uniform day and students are encouraged to wear something blue or nature-themed if they have items in their wardrobe to support and raise awareness for The Marine Conservation Society 💙 pic.twitter.com/bNElZCXC2h