Clubs and Societies...
"Pupils say they are encouraged to do lots of clubs and develop a broad range of interests."
The Good Schools Guide 20th Edition
Invicta students have a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and societies in Sport, The Arts, Music, Business and Enterprise, Social Enterprise, Languages and so much more. Our students also have recreational and faith-based societies aimed at improving the social interaction of students and developing lifelong interests and friends.
There is a Clubs and Societies Fair during the first week of the school year which has proved successful as a focal point in drawing together all the extensive clubs and societies offered by the school.
Students are encouraged to take part in competitions throughout the year; there are many competitions in different subject areas with the STEM, sports and Creative competitions proving to be the most popular.
Students are also encouraged to offer additional clubs, societies and academic hub discussion groups throughout the year.
Students can view our Clubs and Societies booklet here