At Invicta we deliver a high quality, carefully crafted PSHE programme which also covers the requirements of the statutory Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) guidance for schools.
Our PSHE programme is designed to help students develop the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to live confident, healthy, independent lives as members of society. We place an emphasis on knowledge and real life, careers education and the modern world of work to help students make informed choices at different stages of their lives. In addition to this, the PSHE Programme promotes Fundamental British Values, which are taught in lessons and throughout all Key Stages.
The PSHE curriculum is built around three core themes:
Health and Wellbeing
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
Living in the Wider World.
Within these themes we also cover a range of topics which have a strong emphasis on safeguarding, including online safety, bullying, homophobia, mental health and well-being and personal safety.
An integral aspect of PSHE curriculum is our ‘Respect’ curriculum which has a specific focus on teaching students about behaviour and ‘doing the right thing’. Our respect curriculum is fully personalised for the context of our school, and is continuously reviewed and adapted to reflect the changing needs of our school and local community.
The Respect Curriculum is built around three core themes:
Respect for Self (aligned with the Health and Wellbeing strand of PSHE)
Respect for Others (aligned with the RSE strand of PSHE)
Respect for Environment (aligned with the Wider World strand of PSHE)
For more information on the topics covered in our ‘Power Days’ and to see some of the highlights please visit our Power Days page here or view our PSHE and Power Days Scrapbook which is linked at the bottom of this page.