Thank you for taking the time to visit the Examinations information tab. My name is Mrs Gilkes and I am the Examinations Officer at Invicta Grammar School. I deal with the planning and timetabling of all internal examinations and the administration of the external public examinations. My office hours are 8am until 4pm.
The Exams Useful Information 2024-25 document below, includes some useful and important guidance for the examinations held at Invicta.
The JCQ documents shown are applicable to the GCSE’s and A levels sat at Invicta.
We advise students to take time to make sure they know when their exams are taking place. An electronic version of exam timetables will be sent via school email to the students. The students’ public examination timetable is sent by email to parents for their reference. It is the students’ responsibility to advise me of any errors on their timetable so that corrections can be made.
The JCQ (Joint Council of Qualifications) sets down procedures and policies enabling examinations to be sat fairly whilst maintaining security and integrity.
The Summer examination timetable is shown here. For your information the first written GCSE examination on the timetable is Thursday 8 May 2025 and the first A level is Monday 12 May 2025. The exam contingency day is Wednesday 25 June 2025.
If you have any issues or concerns regarding examinations, please do not hesitate to contact me on the main school telephone number or by email; e.gilkes@invicta.viat.org.uk