Procedure in the event of bad weather
Bad Weather Procedures
Emergency Procedure in the event the school is unable to open:
If we are unable to open the school because of severe weather, we will publish our status on by 7am (where possible). You will also receive information via the following channels:
- Invicta Grammar School Website announcements
- A communication message will be sent to Parents/Carers.
- A communication message will be sent to all students by email.
- Local Radio Stations: KMFM, Radio Kent, Heart FM
During an emergency closure we will operate a ‘virtual’ school day for all Year groups in which lessons are taught live on Teams.
Emergency Procedure in the event the school is required to close early:
If closure is deemed necessary during the school day, we will communicate this to parents by email/text at the earliest opportunity. It is essential that every student knows what to do in the event that the school closes early. If you usually collect your child from school, please discuss with them how they will travel home if school were to close unexpectedly. If their usual travel arrangements are disrupted do they have a contingency plan such as ‘going to a friend’s house’ or ‘can a relative who lives close to the school arrange to collect them’?