Careers Education
Preparing students for the future is a key theme which runs throughout the curriculum and complemented by the programme of careers education activities in our PSHEE and Tutor Time programme. We introduce students to the world of work in Year 7 through our leadership programme. In Year 8, the focus of careers education moves to supporting students as they make their GCSE choices. We support students in this decision making process through PSHEE lessons and the GCSE Options Evening. At this time, students can also request careers advice through drop in sessions at lunchtime careers clinics. We endeavour to ensure students are considering the longer term implications of their GCSE choices to enable them to keep their options open longer term. Students also complete a visit an employer to see the world of work in action.
As students move on to Years 9 and 10, we are keen to help them to develop an insight into working life and university study. Year 9 students meet with our Careers Adviser through the PSHEE programme and Year 10 have a full day devoted to careers education and their option choices post 16. Year 10 students also complete a week of work experience towards the end of the academic year.
In Year 11, we give students time to develop their careers research skills through the PSHEE programme as well as supporting them with further development of their post 16 plans.
Entry into the Sixth Form sees the start of careers education focusing on Options 18+. An early careers event in Year 12 introduces students to all their post-18 options, where they attend workshops about going to university, Oxbridge, medical and veterinary science options, higher level apprenticeships and student finance. We deliver a number of workshops on Options 18+ in the Sixth Form. As the majority of our students choose to move on to higher education we ensure there is a focus on supporting them with their university applications and personal statements. However, we also ensure they are all fully prepared for job hunting - whether this be for straight after Year 13 or in their longer term future.