
Design and Technology

Design and Technology touches every aspect of modern life, and there is growing demand from industry for students who are both creative and technically literate. This multi-disciplinary subject bridges the gap between the arts and engineering through practical and theoretical components.

Our Design and Technology department is a safe, exciting and inspiring learning environment. Staff motivate and support students to become creative problem solvers, with an ability to connect ideas across the whole school curriculum and apply these to creative design solutions.

Our teachers are very experienced, well-informed and skilled, covering a wide range of specialism within the Design and Technology field. The Department is also well equipped with the latest technology such as laser cutters, 3D printers, and sublimation printers, as well as traditional wood working, silver smithing and textile facilities.

Key Stage 3

The Design and Technology curriculum at Key Stage 3 encourages creativity, innovation, risk taking, problem solving and team work in response to contextual and real-life problems, preparing young people for societies demands for 21st century living.

Projects are designed to introduce our students to a range of materials including wood, plastic, metal and textile materials, using the work of other designers and the world around them as inspiration. Students will gain an understanding of technological developments in materials and manufacturing, embedding the use of electronics, computer aided design and manufacture into their work.

In Year 7 students use their knowledge of design movements to design and manufacture a dark reactive mood light.

In Year 8 they will apply their understanding of issues surrounding the environment to design and manufacture a sustainable textile product.

Topics Covered

Year 7 

  • 20th Century Design Movements
  • Drawing Techniques
  • The Iterative Design Process
  • Materials Theory
  • Electronic Systems
  • Working with wood and plastic materials

Year 8 

  • The Environment and Sustainability
  • The Iterative Design Process
  • Smart and Technical Materials
  • E Textiles
  • Print Techniques
  • Working with textile materials


Over a fortnightly timetable students receive:

  • 2 hours of guided classroom learning
  • 20 minutes of guided independent homework (Year 7)
  • 30 minutes of guided independent homework (Year 8)

Enrichment and Extra-Curricular

Year 7 students are given the opportunity to enrich their learning and understanding of the work of other designers and design movements through a year group trip to the Victoria and Albert Museum and Design Museum in the Autumn term.

Design and Technology Club is an extra-curricular lunchtime club for students in Year 7 and 8, allowing them to explore a range of materials and manufacturing processes including pewter casting and jewellery making.

Textiles club is another popular lunchtime club offering students in Years 7, 8 and 9 the opportunity to develop a wide range of textile skills and techniques.

For those interested in electronics, a whole school electronics club is also available during lunchtimes where a range of electronic projects are explored.

To Watch

BBC Bitesize videos- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zfr9wmn
Maddie’s Do You Know? Cable Cars and Spinnaker Tower- https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000wpn5/maddies-do-you-know-series-5-2-cable-car-and-viewing-tower
Maddie’s Do You Know? - Robots and 3D Printing- https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000wpqb/maddies-do-you-know-series-5-3-farming-robots-and-3d-printer
Maddie’s Do You Know- Neon Signs and Revolving Doors-https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000jl8v/sign/maddies-do-you-know-series-4-14-neon-sign-and-revolving-door
Inside the Factory - Bicycles- https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7zb8p8
Inside the Factory - Pencils- https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7yw49s
Inside the Factory - Toilet rolls- https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x818uaw
Super Factories (episodes 1-9)  https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x75xot
Dragons Den- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006vq92
The Repair Rhop- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08l581p

To Visit

The V&A Museum- London
The Design Museum- London
The Science Museum- London
The Maidstone Museum


Year 9 - Foundation Year

In the Design and Technology Foundation Year, students study a wide range of material areas. They begin their creative journey by exploring technical drawing skills followed by CD and CAM skills.

From term two, students undertake a range of material explorations where practical skills are developed and enhanced whilst instilling theoretical knowledge and understanding.

We expect the skills embedded through the Foundation Year will inform the work of students through the Design and Technology GCSE.

Topics Covered


  • Design Strategies
  • Textile Apron
  • 3D printed perfume Bottle
  • Acrylic mobile phone holder
  • Resin pen
  • Wooden photo frame
  • Metal keyring


  • Drawing techniques
  • Rendering techniques
  • Designing techniques
  • Modelling
  • Packaging
  • Design movements
  • Material exploration- Timbers, polymers, metals, papers & boards, textiles



Over a fortnightly timetable, students receive:

  • 4 hours of guided classroom learning
  • 1 hour of guided home learning

Enrichment and Extra Curricular

To Read


The Eco-Design Handbook - Alastair Faud–Luke  
Design Museum: Contemporary Design - Catherine McDermott  
Arts & Crafts Companion - Pamela Todd  
50 Product Designs: Process - Jennifer Hudson  
Designs of the Times - Lakshmi Bhaskaran  
Bauhaus - Benedict Taschen  
Making IT Manufacturing Techniques For Product Design - Chris Lefteri  
Memphis - Bigitte Fitoussi  
Drawing For Designers - Alan Pipes  
Designed for Kids - Phyllis Richardson  
The Design of Everyday Tthings- Don Norman
The Design Thinking Playbook- Michael Lwerick, Patrick Link, Larry Leifer


Houzz- A place to browse anything to do with houses from construction and design down to decorative items and furniture  
Dexigner directory – a Comprehensive database of design firms, studios, museums, organizations and resources 
New Designers- Discover the next generation of design talent 
BBC Bite size- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/zby2bdm


UX design  
Creative Review 
Design Week


Conficio Design Journals- https://conficio.design/journal/
The future of design- https://www.designcouncil.org.uk/what-we-do/research/future-design-series
Leading women in design- https://www.designcouncil.org.uk/leading-women-design
What do we mean by design- https://www.designcouncil.org.uk/news-opinion/what-do-we-mean-design

To Watch

BBC Bitesize videos- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zfr9wmn
Inside the factory- bicycles- https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7zb8p8
Inside the factory- pencils-https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7yw49s
Inside the factory-toilet rolls- https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x818uaw
Super factories (episodes 1-9)  https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x75xot
Dragons Den- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006vq92
The repair shop-https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08l581p
Maddie’s do you know? Cable cars and spinnaker tower- https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000wpn5/maddies-do-you-know-series-5-2-cable-car-and-viewing-tower
Maddie’s do you know- robots and 3D printing- https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000wpqb/maddies-do-you-know-series-5-3-farming-robots-and-3d-printer
Maddie’s do you know- Neon signs and revolving doors-https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000jl8v/sign/maddies-do-you-know-series-4-14-neon-sign-and-revolving-door

To Listen

CLEVER podcasts- https://www.cleverpodcast.com/
Honest Designers podcasts- https://www.designcuts.com/learning-hub/podcasts/honest-designers/
Design better podcasts- https://www.designbetter.co/podcast

To Research

Research and develop an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the following specialist technical principles:

  • selection of materials or components 
  • forces and stresses 
  • ecological and social footprint 
  • sources and origins 
  • using and working with materials 
  • stock forms, types and sizes 
  • scales of production 
  • specialist techniques and processes 
  • surface treatments and finishes. 

The categories through which the principles can be researched are:

  • papers and boards 
  • timber based materials 
  • metal based materials 
  • polymers 
  • textile based materials 
  • electronic and mechanical systems. 

To Visit

The V&A Museum- London
The Design Museum- London
The Science Museum- London
The Maidstone Museum

Key Stage 4

We believe in teaching students to challenge ideas of functionality, aesthetics, materials, sustainability, social contexts and ethics so they can design products that work and make a difference to society. Creative and innovative design is built on the fusion of visual, technical and emotional considerations. We teach these skills throughout the course, developing and nurturing them through practical problem-solving activities. 

Students are encouraged to create products which solve problems, inspire change and look to make a difference in everyday life.  The course enables students to think imaginatively about the possibilities of design. Not just what design is; but what it might be. They discover how design affects the environment as a whole, and investigate its role within society and culture. 

Whether students want to design furniture, fashion or electronics – or invent the next generation of sustainable products the Design and Technology GCSE covers all these material areas.

Exam board/Qualification:    AQA   GCSE in Design and Technology
Specification:                         8552

Course Content

The Design and Technology GCSE engages students in project based designing and practical tasks along with theoretical study.

In Year 10 students learn how to put together a project portfolio by learning researching, analytical and designing skills whilst using the iterative design process. These skills combine together to produce a mock Non-Examination Assessment (NEA). During this time students are able to specialise and focus on their chosen material(s) area and further develop their technical manufacturing skills. 

In Year 11 students use the skills learnt from year 11 to work on their live NEA project based upon a context set by the examination board. This is the perfect opportunity for students to fully exhibit their investigative, designing and manufacturing skills. 

Theory is taught throughout the two years and delivered in a variety of ways such as lecture style presentations, practical tasks, student research tasks and independent reading tasks. We cover areas such as commercial manufacturing, digital design and the use of computer is design, social, moral and ethical issues, the work of others and design communication to name a few. 


Over a fortnightly timetable, students receive:

  • 5 hours of guided classroom learning
  • 2 hours of guided independent homework


Theory knowledge is assessed through external examination and accounts for 50% of the GCSE qualification. The Non-Examination Assessment component (NEA) makes up the remaining 50% and is marked internally with external moderation by AQA.

The NEA is an independent design and make project focusing on one of three contexts supplied by the exam board. A problem is identified by the students and explored further whilst responding to the chosen context. Students are free to work in any chosen material area the feel passionate about. Using an iterative design process, a final solution is developed from a design brief that has been written by the students as a result of their investigations. 

At the end of the second year students then complete a two hour examination that focuses on core technical principles, specialist technical principles and designing and making principles 

Enrichment and Extra Curricular

To Read

The Eco-Design Handbook - Alastair Faud –Luke  
Design Museum: Contemporary Design - Catherine McDermott  
Arts & Crafts Companion - Pamela Todd  
50 Product Designs: Process - Jennifer Hudson  
Designs of the Times - Lakshmi Bhaskaran  
Bauhaus - Benedict Taschen  
Making IT Manufacturing Techniques For Product Design - Chris Lefteri  
Memphis - Bigitte Fitoussi  
Drawing For Designers - Alan Pipes  
Designed for Kids - Phyllis Richardson  
The design of everyday things- Don Norman
The design thinking playbook- Michael Lwerick, Patrick Link, Larry Leifer

Houzz- A place to browse anything to do with houses from construction and design down to decorative items and furniture  
Dexigner directory – a Comprehensive database of design firms, studios, museums, organizations and resources 
New Designers- Discover the next generation of design talent 
BBC Bite size- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/zby2bdm

UX design  
Creative Review 
Design Week

Conficio Design Journals- https://conficio.design/journal/
The future of design- https://www.designcouncil.org.uk/what-we-do/research/future-design-series
Leading women in design- https://www.designcouncil.org.uk/leading-women-design
What do we mean by design- https://www.designcouncil.org.uk/news-opinion/what-do-we-mean-design

To Watch

Dragons Den- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006vq92 
The repair shop- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08l581p 
Building sights- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01q0kmk
How to build- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b017lyld
Taste- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p07hjb9y/episodes/player
100 years of Bauhaus- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a45UBCIbJc
Inside the factory- bicycles- https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7zb8p8 
Inside the factory- pencils- https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7yw49s 
Inside the factory-toilet rolls- https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x818uaw 
Super factories (episodes 1-9)  https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x75xot 

To Listen

CLEVER podcasts- https://www.cleverpodcast.com/
Honest Designers podcasts- https://www.designcuts.com/learning-hub/podcasts/honest-designers/ 
Design better podcasts- https://www.designbetter.co/podcast 
Dieter Rams- BrAun podcast- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tgGpoy-56o
Zarah Hadid podcast- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jFn07vg82k
Frank Lloyd Wright podcast- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IusXFml7V54
Frank Gehry and Norman Foster- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgRBDBs-saM
Jonathon Ives (Apple) podcast- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRmwc3lUxDI
World wise web (pioneering inventors)- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w13xttzz/episodes/player
The landfill designers- https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b00k9hn9
3D bioprinting- https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b05pn3t4

To Research

Investigate, analyse and evaluate the work of past and present designers and companies: 

  • Alldo Rossi
  • Charles Rennie Macintosh
  • Coco Chanel
  • Ettore Sottsass
  • Gerrit Reitveld
  • Harry Beck
  • Louis Comfort Tiffany
  • Marcel Breuer
  • Mary Quant
  • Norman Foster
  • Philippe Starck
  • Raymond Templier 
  • Sir Alec Issigonis
  • Vivienne Westwood
  • Alexander McQueen
  • William Morris
  • Alessi
  • Apple
  • Braun
  • Dyson
  • Gap
  • Primark
  • Under Armour
  • Zara

Research and develop an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the following specialist technical principles: 

  • selection of materials or components 
  • forces and stresses 
  • ecological and social footprint 
  • sources and origins 
  • using and working with materials 
  • stock forms, types and sizes 
  • scales of production 
  • specialist techniques and processes 
  • surface treatments and finishes

The categories through which the principles can be researched are: 

  • papers and boards
  • timber based materials 
  • metal based materials 
  • polymers 
  • textile based materials 
  • electronic and mechanical systems

To Visit

The V&A Museum- London
The Design Museum- London
The Science Museum- London
The Maidstone Museum

Key Stage 5

Have you ever looked at the things around you and thought 'this could have been made so much better'? The Product Design course develops an empathetic, intuitive understanding of people and how we use and respond to products. Whether one has thought about it or not, design is a part of everyday life. From the moment of waking up and preparing for the day ahead, products are continually used: from the item which sounds a waking alarm or helps one to style their look, to the furniture used to sit and eat breakfast. The products used to make life easier, more comfortable and safer have been designed by engineers, architects, product/industrial designers and furniture designers. The Product Design A Level course provides design students the opportunity to develop their skills in preparation for joining this creative industry, exploring innovative design solutions for a variety of design contexts.

This creative and thought-provoking qualification gives students the practical skills, theoretical knowledge and confidence to succeed in a number of careers. The department is very successful with students consistently achieving top grades and going on to study in areas such as engineering, architecture and product design at higher education.

Exam board/Qualification:    AQA   A Level  Product Design
Specification:                       7552

Course Content

Product Design requires students to engage and participate in both practical and theoretical study.

During the course of study, students will investigate historical, social, cultural, environmental and economic influences in design and technology, whilst enjoying opportunities to put their learning in to practice by producing products of their choice. Students will gain a real understanding of what it means to be a designer, alongside the knowledge and skills sought by higher education and employers.

One of the main focuses of the course is the students Non-Examination Assessment (NEA). Students write their own design contexts during their NEA, designing and making a product to solve a design problem, while linking their outcome to a topic of personal interest. We prepare for the coursework during the first year of A Level by completing a mock project in order to develop practical skills and theoretical knowledge.

Theory is taught weekly throughout the two years and delivered in a variety of ways such as lecture style presentations, practical tasks, student research tasks and independent reading tasks. We cover areas such as the characteristics and enhancements of materials, digital design and development, technology and cultural changes, marketing and enterprise, the work of others, feasibility studies and design communication to name a few.


Over a fortnightly timetable, students receive:

  • 8 hours of guided classroom learning
  • 10 hours of home learning


Theory knowledge is assessed through external examination and accounts for 50% of the A Level qualification. The Non-Examination Assessment component (NEA) makes up the remaining 50% and is marked internally with external moderation by AQA.

The NEA is devised by the students, focusing on a problem that they have identified within product design which they will investigate in a very creative way. Using an iterative design process, a final solution will be developed from a design brief they will have written as a result of their investigations.

The examinations are split across two papers in the summer of Year 13 following the completion on the NEA. The first paper focuses on technical principles and the second paper focuses on designing and making principles.

Enrichment and Extra Curricular

Students are given the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of enrichment and extra curricular activities. Frequent research study trips, including trips to the Victoria and Albert Museum and the design museum in London help to inform decision making and embed the theory learnt about designers and design history. In the past we have also taken students to design exhibitions that link in with their current area of focus.

Students are encouraged to participate in virtual workshops that are run by museums such as the V&A in order to further deepen their knowledge and to gain mastery within the subject.

The Arkwright Engineering Scholarship is available for the top students to apply. An Arkwright Engineering Scholarship is the most esteemed scholarship of its type in the UK, designed to inspire students to pursue their dreams and change the world as a future leader in engineering. The Scholarships are awarded to hard-working 16 year old students through a rigorous selection process, supporting them through their A Levels every Scholarship is sponsored by a commercial company, trade association, university or professional institution. This means that support is offered in various different ways, for example, valuable hands-on work experience, support for your curriculum project and a personal mentor who can help you with aspects of your studies and career planning.

To Read


Cool Hunting - Green Dave Evans  
The Eco-Design Handbook - Alastair Faud –Luke  
Design Museum: Contemporary Design - Catherine McDermott  
Arts & Crafts Companion - Pamela Todd  
50 Product Designs: Process - Jennifer Hudson  
Designs of the Times - Lakshmi Bhaskaran  
Bauhaus - Benedict Taschen  
Making IT Manufacturing Techniques For Product Design - Chris Lefteri  
Memphis - Bigitte Fitoussi  
The Measure of Man and Women: Human Factors in Design - Alvin R. Tilley & Henry Dreyfuss Associates  
Drawing For Designers - Alan Pipes  
Designed for Kids - Phyllis Richardson  
German Design: The classics - Bernd Polster  
Italian Design – Daab
The Design of Everyday Things- Don Norman
How Innovation Works- Matt Ridley
The Design Thinking Playbook- Michael Lwerick, Patrick Link, Larry Leifer


Houzz- A place to browse anything to do with houses from construction and design down to decorative items and furniture  
Dexigner directory – a Comprehensive database of design firms, studios, museums, organizations and resources 
New Designers- Discover the next generation of design talent 
BBC Bite size-https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/zby2bdm



Conficio Design Journals- https://conficio.design/journal/
The future of design- https://www.designcouncil.org.uk/what-we-do/research/future-design-series
Leading women in design- https://www.designcouncil.org.uk/leading-women-design
What do we mean by design- https://www.designcouncil.org.uk/news-opinion/what-do-we-mean-design

To Watch

Architecture at the crossroads- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01qcrds
Building sights- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01q0kmk
Classic British Cars: Made in Coventry- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000w6sp
How to build- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b017lyld
Taste- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p07hjb9y/episodes/player
100 years of Bauhaus- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a45UBCIbJc
Inside the factory- bicycles- https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7zb8p8
Inside the factory- pencils- https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7yw49s
Inside the factory-toilet rolls- https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x818uaw
Super factories (episodes 1-9)  https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x75xot
Dragons Den- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006vq92
The repair shop- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08l581p

To Listen

CLEVER podcasts- https://www.cleverpodcast.com/
Honest Designers podcasts- https://www.designcuts.com/learning-hub/podcasts/honest-designers/
Design better podcasts- https://www.designbetter.co/podcast
Dieter Rams- BrAun podcast- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tgGpoy-56o
Zarah Hadid podcast- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jFn07vg82k
Frank Lloyd Wright podcast- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IusXFml7V54
Frank Gehry and Norman Foster- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgRBDBs-saM
Jonathon Ives (Apple) podcast- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRmwc3lUxDI
World wise web (pioneering inventors)- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w13xttzz/episodes/player
The landfill designers- https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b00k9hn9
3D bioprinting- https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b05pn3t4

To Research

Students should be aware of, and able to discuss, how key historical design styles, design movements and influential designers that have helped to shape product design and manufacture. Investigate, analyse and evaluate the work of past and present designers and companies:

  • Phillipe Starck
  • James Dyson
  • Margaret Calvert
  • Dieter Rams
  • Charles and Ray Eames
  • Marianne Brandt

Students should be aware of, and be able to explain, the development of products that are inclusive in their design so that they can be used by a wide range of users. It is useful to research products that have been designed for people with specific needs.

To Visit

The V&A Museum- London
The Design Museum- London
The Maidstone Museum



We have a wealth of information on our Careers page - Please click here to visit. 

Page Gallery

Twitter Wall

Twitter Wall



Join us for an exciting series of Transition Workshops this term, ranging from Young Philosophers to Music and Science. Spaces are limited, so be sure to secure your spot today by booking through our Eventbrite page via the link below!https://t.co/0P43MLFL8P#TransitionWorkshop pic.twitter.com/lEceBcnwRK


Winner of the Junior Science Award is Taliah Rothschild from . Congratulations! pic.twitter.com/3IhcXuCOAF


Betsy Ellis from has won the Future in Aviation Award. Congratulations Betsy! pic.twitter.com/WVK4L1LSDE


We are currently recruiting for several support staff positions. If you're passionate about education and looking to make a difference, we want to hear from you! To apply, please visit our website or follow the link below:https://t.co/Wp92LBvxMR pic.twitter.com/AKPSnemZDI


Last week, our Orchestra had their final rehearsal before Year 13 began their study leave, marking the occasion with a photo capturing all the instruments in harmony🎼 We look forward to welcoming back the full Orchestra with the Year 13 members for the upcoming Summer Concert! pic.twitter.com/Am4loN20Vk


Only a few hours left until Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10 take on the Maidstone Football Finals at the Gallagher Stadium tonight! - Our Year 7 team will be playing in two weeks. Year 8 Kick Off: 3:45pm Year 9 Kick Off: 5:30pm Year 10 Kick Off: 6:45pm We hope to see you there🌟 pic.twitter.com/RnVjcild4T


We are proud to announce this year's production will be James and the Giant Peach! 🍑 Rehearsals are underway, and we can't wait to bring this beloved story to life on stage. Keep your eyes peeled as we will be sharing sneak peeks of rehearsals in the coming weeks!#RoaldDahl pic.twitter.com/umRTEJFoC0


With Earth Day less than two weeks away, here are some ways to be more eco-friendly and better look after our Earth!#EarthDay pic.twitter.com/2wpO09fPoq


Spring has sprung at Invicta and yesterday our Year 7 and 8 POP Photography students enjoyed the first day of spring by focussing on natural textures!#Photography pic.twitter.com/VXK4Zh7tNz


KS2 enjoyed participating in language workshops on Tuesday morning, focusing on German, French and Spanish with some students from pic.twitter.com/seA6XOjMYz


KS2 enjoyed participating in language workshops on Tuesday morning, focusing on German, French and Spanish with some students from pic.twitter.com/seA6XOjMYz


Today is International Day of Mathematics🎉 At Invicta, we're passionate about empowering our students with the boundless potential of mathematics both in and outside the classroom! Join us as we discover the magic of numbers in everyday life! pic.twitter.com/uhDfB1ToUy


Last week marked a significant moment in Invicta's history as we gathered for our whole school photo, a rare event that takes place only once every 7 years. Here are some behind-the-scenes photos from the day, showcasing the infectious excitement and sense of community! pic.twitter.com/Y5RDLffV0C


Today we are capturing a moment in time with a whole school photo!📸 pic.twitter.com/Hya2nGJX2H


Students had a fantastic time during last week's POP sessions (Personal Opportunities Program)! We saw students engage with a host of new and familiar favourite activities including, Chess, Coding, Minecraft, Photography, Yoga, Crochet, Nature Walks and so many more! pic.twitter.com/bSmEMQ0Yo5


Our upcoming non-uniform day supports FIGS, our parent-teacher association. The theme is "Be Active!" It's a day to dress sporty and promote physical activity and wellness. Let's show our support for FIGS while staying active and healthy!#NonUniform pic.twitter.com/MZ6ljDx4TN


I had a lovely morning visit to today. The year 8s have been studying the movement & some of the specific stories I explore in my book, of Kent. It was lovely to talk about who grew up in pic.twitter.com/e5GiWrX4zb


I had a lovely morning visit to today. The year 8s have been studying the movement & some of the specific stories I explore in my book, of Kent. It was lovely to talk about who grew up in pic.twitter.com/e5GiWrX4zb


World Book Day is just over 2 weeks away now! What are some of your favourite books that you've read so far this year, who are your favourite authors... We'd love to hear your thoughts on reading, books and literature!#WorldBookDay pic.twitter.com/tZnX6Fd8WS


Join us for fab line up of Live Talks for 4-9 Mar delivered by aimed at https://t.co/3zmmUzLLnQ pic.twitter.com/G7sQFjiTQf


Join us for fab line up of Live Talks for 4-9 Mar delivered by aimed at https://t.co/3zmmUzLLnQ pic.twitter.com/G7sQFjiTQf


Last term, our Year 9 photographers explored aperture, depth of field and composition in their work to create these stunning photographs of miniature cars, inspired by the works of Kim Leuenberger! pic.twitter.com/jYOG8pXoS1


We currently have several vacancies available including a Teacher of MFL Spanish, a Receptionist and a Careers Advisor. If you are looking to join a friendly and encouraging team, please submit an application using the link below!https://t.co/Wp92LBuZXj pic.twitter.com/mLyLvveSza


Last week marked the Primary Literacy Challenge! Thanks to all the teams who attended, we hope you had a great time! See you at our Primary STEM challenge next term! Congratulations to for winning! 🏆🎉 pic.twitter.com/ILU5YmABv1


A reminder to students and parents that next Monday, 5 February is a non-uniform day and students are encouraged to wear something blue or nature-themed if they have items in their wardrobe to support and raise awareness for The Marine Conservation Society 💙 pic.twitter.com/bNElZCXC2h