At Invicta, we are passionate about Modern Foreign languages which explains why languages are a core subject at GCSE in our rich curriculum. In French, our students are taught by teachers who are all experienced linguists. They have weekly speaking practice sessions with our dedicated Foreign Language Assistant who is a French native speaker. All members of Staff strive to deliver outstanding lessons where the language, in all its forms, becomes alive and is relevant to young people’s lives. Throughout their linguistic journey, students will become not only proficient in all four skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing) but will grow as a person by developing a wide range of skills such as communication skills, resilience, confidence, problem solving along with improving their memory skills. At A Level, students can deepen their learning and passion for the subject through studying literature, cinema, history and current affairs from the French speaking world. This advanced study enables them to understand and converse in French with a high level of proficiency and supports their understanding of other subjects by widening their perspectives.
In French, we constantly look for opportunities to nurture students’ curiosity by raising their cultural awareness through our “Passeport culturel” initiative whereby students research aspects of the French speaking world and produce a range of tasks like French cooking or painting in the style of famous French speaking artist, etc. As we believe that learning does not stop at the classroom door, we are committed to provide a wealth of opportunities beyond the timetabled lessons ranging from our lunchtime club or our after school French film club to the Anthea Bell prize for young translators competition organised by Oxford university. We also attend the Model United Nations conference in Geneva where our A Level students participate as interpreters. We intend to enrich our students' learning experience by providing them with exciting authentic reading material through the websites 1jour1actu ( and Mon Quotidien ( which aim to improve students understanding of the world, their general knowledge and their ability to make connections between their study of French and other aspects of the curriculum. Finally, we firmly believe that broadening our students’ horizon is crucial so we ensure that our students can take part in either exchange trips and/or projects organised in collaboration with partner schools in France.
Key Stage 3
It is a joy to see Year 7 students embark on their language learning journey. We strive to nurture their eagerness and thirst for cultural awareness by teaching them how to talk about themselves and describe their world (school, hobbies, interest, their friends and family). Using topics relevant to their daily lives we are able to show our students what it takes to learn a language and discover a new culture so that they can set off on their 5 year journey with confidence. All our Year 7 students take part in an exciting competition called Eurovicta, based on the famous Eurovision song contest. Students develop multiple skills through these opportunities as they take leadership roles, work on their teamwork and step out of their comfort zone to put on a fantastic performance singing a real pop song in French and performed a dance which they will have choreographed in front of their peers. Every year we are always delighted by the quality of their performances. At the end of Year 7, students can look back proudly with a huge sense of achievement.
In Year 8, we strengthen the prior learning by revisiting key concepts and put more emphasis on tenses. Year 8 students start learning about past tense and revisit the future tense throughout the year by interleaving the tenses so once they have been introduced and practised, they are reviewed and consolidated in different contexts so that students are encouraged to make links. Our topics are still relevant to their daily lives so that students can express their ideas based on their own experiences. We encourage our students to take part in several opportunities outside the classroom such as poetry reciting and a translation competition organised by Oxford. They also have the opportunity to attend our French film club.
Topics Covered
Year 7
- C’est la rentrée – basic information about me, what I like, introduction to French phonics.
- Mon collège – My school (my subjects, my uniform, my day, etc.)
- Mon temps libre – Hobbies (sports/ activities)
- Ma famille – my family
- Revision
Year 8
- Ma ville, en ville - where I live and in town
- Vive les vacances! Talking about holidays in general and a past holiday.
- J’adore les fêtes! Talking about festivals.
- Les loisirs – talking about hobbies ( tv, technology, musique, etc.)
- Le monde est petit – talking about where you live (your region, your house, your routine)
Over a fortnightly timetable, students receive:
- 5 hours of guided classroom learning
- 4 x 10 minutes of guided independent homework
Enrichment and Extra-Curricular
Workbooks based on our textbook to reinforce what it is taught in lessons
- Cahier d’exercice A Dynamo 1 – ISBN 9781292248943
- Cahier d’exercice B Dynamo 1 – ISBN 9781292248950
- Cahier d’exercice Dynamo 2 ROUGE – ISBN 9781292248974
What to read : Ask your French teacher to borrow a book from our library. Here is a sample of what you can find.
- Tchoupi dans la nuit - ISBN 9782092537237. A story about a little boy who discover the world at night.
- Petit Ours Brun Joue dans le sable. - ISBN 9782227748064. The story of Little Brown bear who plays in the sand.
- Martine. A French classic! A series of books that follow Martine’s adventures.
- La petite poule rousse. Another classic for children.
OR you can read online:
- - interactive website to help practice vocabulary learning, reading and listening comprehension as well as verb conjugation.
- - interactive website to help you learn the vocabulary.
- - good source of interactive activities to practise a variety of skills – Free to use outside school hours ( before 9 am and after 4pm)
- - (6-10 years old). An authentic newspaper for young French readers. Suitable to challenge any keen linguists who want to read for pleasure about what’s happening in the world. Some part of this website require to subscribe but a good amount of articles are available for free. Worth exploring!
To Watch
Here are a short selection of films you will love.
- Kirikou et la sorcière
- Une vie de chat
- Le petit Nicolas
To Listen Most popular music in French last year. French podcasts for children.
To Research
- The French speaking world:
- Why is French one of the official language in the Olympics games?
- In which other global organisation if French one of the official language ?
- Can you find 10 interesting fact about France and/or the French speaking world ?
To Visit
- The French Department here at Invicta! We have an abundance of information, support and expert knowledge. We also have plenty of resources we can lend you.
- The French institute’s library in London :
- The French institute’s cinema in London – ciné Lumière :
- Le musée du louvre :
Useful tips
- Take the time to reflect on your mistakes to understand what went wrong and what you can learn by correcting them, this will improve the accuracy of the notes from which you are revising and give you next steps for moving forward.
- Learn vocabulary little and often by listening to and repeating the word aloud, then practising the spelling
- Practise your phonics
- Invest time in learning verb endings patterns off by heart so you can use a range of verbs and mention other people, it will add breadth in your speaking and writing.
Extra activities
- Lunchtime club
- After-school film club
- Mentoring opportunities
- French POP
- Oxford translation competition
- Eurovicta – singing competition
- European Day of Languages event
- Trips
Year 9 - Foundation Year
Our Foundation Year curriculum aims to consolidate KS3 learning and to bring the culture of the French speaking societies alive as well as deepen students' knowledge and understanding of topics and global issues as detailed below.
Our students will continue their learning journey, developing their skills and improving their fluency and accuracy. They will have the opportunity to find out about celebrities from the world of music, cinema and sport. Our curriculum will also aim to raise awareness of global issues such as the protection of the environment through the study of Yann Arthus-Bertrand's work among other media and resources. Students will then be able to progress through to their GCSE course in Year 10 and Year 11 having acquired sound knowledge and skills which will enable them to master the French language and be successful language learners.
Topics Covered
"Le sport en direct- talking about sport and health"
- Talking about sports and sports facilities
- Talking about sport injuries
- At the doctor's
- Health issues and solutions
Mon monde à moi - me, my friends, my family
- Talking about me
- Talking about extra curricular activities
- Talking about friendships and relationships in general
- Talking about a recent birthday celebration
- Making plans for a (birthday) party.
Mes projets d'avenir - future plans
- Jobs
- Part time jobs
- Earning pocket money
- Future jobs/ ambitions
- Future plans
La vie en musique - life in musique
- Exploring Francophone music
- Musical tastes
- Music I/my grandmother used to listen
- When I was younger
- Talking about life in primary school
- Comparing primary school and secondary school
La planète et l'environnement
- Impact of food on the environment
- Environmental issues
- Protecting the planet
Over a fortnightly timetable, students receive:
- 4 hours of guided classroom learning
- 2 x 10 minutes + 1 x 20 minutes of guided independent homework
Enrichment and Extra Curricular
To Read
Studio - Grammar and Translation workbook ISBN 978129213288-4
Dynamo 3 Grammar & Translation Workbook - ISBN 9781292346564
Ask your French teacher recommend a book from our Library. We have a great selection of books and authentic magazines. Our books includes the work of key authors such as Pagnol or Molière in French but also some French classics translated into English so that if a Year 9 student is a keen reader and wants to explore French literature but as not got the linguist skills yet to fully appreciate the story in the target language, they can still delve into the wonderful world of French literature.
OR you can read online:
- (10-14years old) An authentic newspaper for young French readers. Suitable to challenge any keen linguists who want to read for pleasure about what’s happening in the world. Some part of this website require to subscribe but a good amount of articles are available for free. Worth exploring!
- interactive website to help practice vocabulary learning, reading and listening comprehension as well as verb conjugation.
- - interactive website to help you learn the vocabulary.
- - good source of interactive activities to practise a variety of skills – Free to use outside school hours (before 9 am and after 4pm)
- - (10-14years old) An authentic newspaper for young French readers. Suitable to challenge any keen linguists who want to read for pleasure about what’s happening in the world. Some part of this website require to subscribe but a good amount of articles are available for free. Worth exploring!
To Watch
- YouTube : You can access a variety of videos explaining French grammar in English. Here is an example :
- Quelle histoire! A series of short videos about key figures from around the world in French : here is one example about Louis Pasteur :
- TV5monde : a range of TV programme for children in French
To Listen
- Practise your listening skills with songs and gap fill activities.
- French podcasts for children
To Research
- French festivals :
- Why French is called the language of diplomacy ?
- Reason for learning French:
To Visit
- The French Department here at Invicta! We have an abundance of information, support and expert knowledge. We also have plenty of resources we can lend you.
- The French institute’s library in London :
- The French institute’s cinema in London – ciné Lumière :
- La fête du citron : A French festival taking place in Febuary in Menton near Nice in the South of France.
Extra activities
- Lunchtime club
- After school film club
- Mentoring opportunities
- French POP
- Oxford translation competition
- European Day of Languages event
- Trips
Key Stage 4
Our students embark on their GCSE course in Year 10, having had a strong Foundation course in Year 9, meaning that they are ready to take on board the challenges of the French GCSE. We have an exciting course where students get to explore topics beyond their daily life and start looking onto 'big world' and 'key global' issues which allow them to grow personally, and as a citizen of the world, by reflecting on their own; healthy behaviours, environmental issues and human crisis such as poverty. Not only will this deepen their understanding and add breadth to their views but also prepare them for the next step in their language journey that is the French A Level! During the GCSE course, students are encouraged to become mentors for younger learners and to take part in opportunities such as our Academic Hub, French club and French film club to support our rich curriculum.
Exam board/Qualification: Edexcel French
4 papers : each worth 25%
- listening (including dictation)
- reading (including translation into English)
- writing (including translation into French)
- speaking (reading aloud, role play, photo card description and conversation)
Topics Covered
Year 10
Tu as du temps à perdre ?
- online activities/pros and cons of the Internet
- hobbies (sport, music)
- what I like to watch
- making plans to go out
- a recent weekend
Mon clan, ma tribu
- my identity
- my weekend routine
- friendships and relationships
- my family
- my role models
- celebrations
Ma vie scolaire
- school subjects
- school rules
- making progress in school
- primary school
- learning languages
En pleine forme
- healthy meals
- mental health
- illness and accidents
- being healthier
- lifestyle changes
Les vacances
- ideal holidays
- holiday activities
- festivals
- reviewing/booking holiday accommodation
Year 11
Notre planète
- geography and climate
- environmental issues
- protecting the planet
- new technologies
Mon petit monde à moi
- Where I live (town/village)
- asking directions
- shopping in my local area
- my dream house
- visit another city
Mes projets d'avenir
- future plans and hopes
- travelling and earning money
- future career
- different jobs
Structured personalised revision programme
- exam preparation
- speaking examination preparation
Over a fortnightly timetable, students receive:
- 5 hours of guided classroom learning
- 3 x 10 minutes independent homework, plus 1 x 30 minutes piece
Enrichment and Extra Curricular
Pearson Edexcel, GCSE French HIGHER, with ActiveHub
Studio GCSE French Grammar & Translation workbook - Stuart Glover- ISBN 978129213288
To Read
Ask your French teacher to recommend a book from our Library. We have a great selection of books and authentic magazines. Our books include the work of key authors such as Pagnol or Molière, in French, but also some French classics translated into English.
OR you can read online:
- (10-14years old) An authentic newspaper for young French readers. Suitable to challenge any keen linguists who want to read for pleasure about what’s happening in the world. Some part of this website require to subscribe but a good amount of articles are available for free. Worth exploring!
- a series of texts about a range of key figures with quizzes to check you understanding of the text.
- If you are considering doing a French A-level, start reading books from the y12 reading lists, such as :
- Françoise Sagan, Bonjour tristesse
- Joseph Joffo, un sac de billes
- Delphine de Vigan, No et moi
- interactive website to help practice vocabulary learning, reading and listening comprehension as well as verb conjugation.
- - interactive website to help you learn the vocabulary.
- - good source of interactive activities to practise a variety of skills – Free to use outside school hours (before 9 am and after 4pm)
- (10-14years old) An authentic newspaper for young French readers. Suitable to challenge any keen linguists who want to read for pleasure about what’s happening in the world. Some part of this website require to subscribe but a good amount of articles are available for free. Worth exploring!
To Watch
- YouTube : You can access a variety of videos explaining French grammar in English. Here is an example :
- Quelle histoire! A series of short videos about key figures from around the world in French : here is one example about Louis Pasteur :
- TV5monde : a range of TV programme for children in French
- Film : HOME by Yann Arthus Bertrand
- (English)
- (French)
To Listen
- Practise your listening skills with songs and gap fill activities.
- French podcasts for children.
To Research
- The French school system or school system across the French speaking world.
- Tourism in France and other French speaking countries:
- Why French is called the language of diplomacy ?
- Reason for learning French:
- The Olympic Games in Paris 2024.
- Le tour de France
- Les restos du Coeur
- L’environnement :
To Visit
- The French Department here at Invicta! We have an abundance of information, support and expert knowledge. We also have plenty of resources we can lend you.
- The French institute’s library in London :
- The French institute’s cinema in London – ciné Lumière :
- Lycée Louis le Grand : one of the most prestigious French secondary school in France.
- La planète vue du ciel :
Extra Activities
- Lunchtime club
- After school film club
- Mentoring opportunities
- French POP
- Oxford translation competition
- European day of Languages event
- Trips
Key Stage 5
Studying French at A Level, students embark on a fascinating course through which they will explore the diversity of the French speaking world that spreads over 5 continents and 29 countries. Our carefully planned curriculum aims to expose our students to a plethora of authentic materials to raise their cultural awareness and to equip them so that they are able to communicate effectively in a variety of contexts. Students will research, discuss and debate many topics relevant to their interests and the world in which they live. Our students will delve into French literature through the study of a French classic and look back at the end of the course with a huge sense of achievement and a much better understanding of French history and society. Students will also develop their analytical skills through the study of un Long Dimanche de fiançailles, directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, a key figure in French cinema.
We are proud to offer a course that will help our students grow as well-rounded and open-minded citizens of a global world. Our students also complete an Independent Research Project during which they particularly appreciate how they can make connections with their other interests and/or subjects, may it be Politics, History, the Arts, Science, Business, Law or Medicine, to name but a few.
Studying A Level French will open so many doors and opportunities as students will be able develop a wide range of skills that are transferable and highly sought-after by universities and employers. France has a strong multinational presence in a range of sectors and industries and having a French A Level will give you an advantage for a variety of careers: Aerospace and Engineering, Energy, Luxury goods, Medicine, Finance, Gaming Industry, Law and Diplomacy.
Examination Board/Qualification: AQA A Level
- Paper 1 : Listening, Reading and Writing – 2 hours 30 – 50% of A Level
- Paper 2 : Writing – 2 hours – 20% of A Level
- Paper 3 : Speaking – 21-23 minutes (including 5 minutes preparation time) – 30 % of A Level
Topics Covered
Year 12
- La famille - family
- Le patrimoine - heritage
- La cyber-société – cyber-society
- La musique - music
- Le bénévolat - volunteering
- Le cinema – cinema
Year 13
- Une société diverse – Positive features of a diverse society
- Quelle vie pour les marginalisés? Life for the marginalised
- La criminalité – How criminals are treated.
- La politique – Politics
- À qui le pouvoir? Who holds power?
- La politique et l’immigration – Politics and immigration
- Individual research project
Over a fortnightly timetable, students receive:
- 8 hours of guided classroom learning
- 2 hours of guided independent study
- 10 hours of guided independent homework
Enrichment and Extra Curricular
Quizlet – to continue to learn a wide range of sophisticated and specific vocabulary
Kerboodle – to develop your listening skill more independently
Hodder - AQA A-level French (includes AS) textbook - ISBN: 9781471857959
Wordreference (online bilingual dictionary)
Language gym – to practise advance grammar and vocabulary
To Read
- Authentic newspapers for French teenage readers. Suitable to challenge any keen linguists who want to read for pleasure about what’s happening in the world. (14-17 years old) (15-20 years old) - To explore how families have evolved and understand relationships between different relationships: - To explore the world of volunteering in France. - To understand the wealth of the French heritage besides the Tour Eiffel and the Arc de Triomphe. - To discover French music and music festival in France - To understand the diversity of the French people and the immigration in France - To explore French cinema - To explore criminality in France - Newspapers : Les journaux :
- français :
- belges :
- sénégalais :
- Quebecois :
- Books :
- Marcel Pagnol - La Gloire de mon père
- Tahar Ben Jelloun, Les raisins de la galère
- Vercors, Le Silence de la mer
- David Bellos , Is that a fish in your ear ?
- Molière, Le Tartuffe
- Voltaire, Candide
- Guy de Maupassant, Boule de suif et autres contes de guerre
- Albert Camus, L’étranger
- Françoise Sagan, Bonjour tristesse
- Claire Etcherelli, Elise ou la vraie vie
- Joseph Joffo, un sac de billes
- Faiza Guene, Kiffe kiffe demain
- Philippe Grimbert, Un secret
- Delphine de Vigan, No et moi
- You can also borrow French classics translated into English from the department’s collection.
To Listen
- Use Spotify pop française 2021
- Radios :
- ( News in Easy French)
- ( listening practice about current affairs)
- Podcasts :
To Watch
- Yale Course: A Nation? Peasants, Language, and French Identity
- Quelle histoire! A series of short videos about key figures from around the world in French : here is one example about Louis Pasteur :
- Films and series :
- Le Roi danse – to learn about Louis XIV and the historical background of Le Tartuffe
- Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amelie Poulain – Jeunet
- La cite des enfants perdus – Jeunet
- Welcome – Lioret – to understand the struggles of immigrants in the North of France waiting to come to England.
- Lupin – on Netflix
- Call my agent – on Netflix
To Research
- Any areas of French culture or the French speaking world in which you are interested so as to get more ideas for your Independent research project.
- World war I in France to better understand the historical background of the film you will study in Year 13.
- French speaking musicians and artists.
- Famous monuments, museums and landmarks across the French speaking world.
- The political system and the current French president and former presidents.
- Who do we call “Les Gilets Jaunes”?
- Why French is called the language of diplomacy?
- What are the key industries where France is among the top 10 in the world ? What job opportunities do they represent for you? Why particular company could be your future employer ?!
Extra Activities
- Lunchtime club
- Film club - Tuesday after school
- Oxford Translation competition
- Mentoring opportunities
- French POP
- MUN conference in Geneva
- Trips/exchanges
We have a wealth of information on our Careers page - Please click here to visit.