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RSE Power Day 2023
Miss Day sent this report:
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Power Day was an extremely successful day, with sessions being specifically tailored to all year groups in the school. We welcomed a number of outside agencies to deliver workshops and assemblies to students.
Up Front Theatre company who are always a favourite with the students delivered workshops in the following areas, Puberty and Emotions, Drugs and Alcohol Sex and Relationships and The Serious Chat (Mental Health). Students were fully engaged in the workshops and joined in when prompted.
Daniel Spargo Foundation delivered sessions to Year 9 and 10 for the first time, these sessions were hard hitting and very factual but gave students an insight into the dangers of illegal drugs and vaping.
We also welcomed back Zara from the Panda Anti-Racism team, who delivered workshops to Year 7 and 8 around how to prevent and respond to racism.
Midwives from MSI Reproductive Choices delivered small sessions to Year 11 and 13 students on contraception, STIs, pregnancy and consent.
We also had a speaker from One Chance and DBA Project discussing County Lines with Years 7-10, educating them on the dangers of getting involved with the wrong people, what to do if they are asked to do something they know is wrong and where to turn to for help. Here are some other areas that were explored:
- Consent
- KCC Drivers course
- Vaping
- Cooking
- Relationships
- Just Dance
- Recognising and preventing bullying
- Transport and travel
- Financial choices
- Mental health – accessing support
It was a very busy, factual yet enjoyable day.