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FerMUN - Geneva Conference 2023
Sarah in 11C sent this report:
Welcomed by the US Mission, the Ferney-Voltaire School, and the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the 9th to 13th of January saw nine IGS delegates travel to Geneva to attend the 14th FerMUN conference. This FerMUN was especially unique, having based all committees in the same council, the incredible ILO -- the only UN organisation to have a tripartheid structure, allowing workers and employers to be represented alongside governments.
The US Mission saw wonderful diplomats (working closely with Ambassador Sheba Crocker) motivating us in our studies, discussing diplomacy work, and speaking simply on what it’s like to be an international citizen. We were in awe as they made diplomacy seem human during an engaging discussion about ethics and our autonomy.
All nine delegates delivered wonderful clauses, amendments, and points of information. Amelie from Frank 2 delivered one of the ambassador’s speeches for the equality committee, and Sarah in 11C received a special mention from her chairs during the closing ceremony. Our six committees debated issues identified in the UN Sustainable Development Goals and related them to the ILO's mission: to achieve a just transition towards decent work. All committees enjoyed partaking in Just Dance, and watching the Russian delegates dance the Rasputin was a true pleasure. There were also proposals and staged weddings in the environmental and innovation committees, all thanks to the infamous 'gossip boxes'.
The environmental committee collaborated with the International Energy Agency and implemented tariffs to establish a holistic view of green jobs. The Equality Committee aimed to prevent the spread of misinformation, and the Committee for Young People and Fundamental Rights also focused on education provision. Both the innovation and solidarity committees utilised technology to inspire positive change, as opposed to collaborating with international organisations on existing policies.
Knowing that the resolutions we passed will be sent to the Director-General of the ILO, Gilbert Houngbo, encourages the hope that young voices can be impactful, creating better outcomes for all workers. Model United Nations, over the last two years, has made us all so much more aware of domestic and international politics and allowed us as participants to have conversations with people of all ages and seniority. FerMUN helped us make close friends across the world and connected us with everyone affected by poor working conditions as we posed reform for all. Our hobbies and interests, such as debate and close analysis, being actualised showed that this truly was an unforgettable experience.
We are eternally grateful to the FerMUN board, the 564 students who shaped the conference, the IGS MUN leaders (Sophie, Adeana, and Rachael) and Mrs Uzochukwu. If you are interested in Model United Nations, please come along on a Thursday lunchtime in AG1.