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Year 13 - Celebration Morning
Mrs Skelton sent this report:
On Friday, 10 May Year 13 came into school for a celebration morning before their A level exams began the following week. It was a beautiful day with the sun shining ready for their celebrations. It started with a celebratory breakfast in the Common Room with lots of shirt and book signing and goodbyes being shared with teachers. Students then made their way up to SST to have their final assembly which included messages from the Senior Prefect team, prizes and a very heartwarming presentation with messages from all their teachers and many, many photos from the many events they have been involved with over the years.
Students enjoyed their special prizes including a Vogue Magazine cover, a next Prime Minister badge, a cat! and many others. One highlight being Mo’s excitement at believing that he had genuinely broken a world record! A very nice touch was Miss Woodford reading a story that one of the students had written at primary school and the shock when the Sathy realised it was her story!
The morning continued on the field with picnics being enjoyed, garden games being played and many photos and memories being shared as well as an ice cream for everyone!
It was a very lovely morning spent with a great year group who shared many memories and have achieved so much over their time at Invicta. We will, as a school, miss them very much and wish them all the success that they deserve and look forward to another celebration with them at their Prom.