Invicta Vlogs
Where are we going?
I hope you have all had a wonderful Half Term holiday. I cannot quite believe it, but on our return to school this week, we embark upon the second half of the academic year, having reached the mid-way point. It therefore seems pertinent to reflect on where we are going!
Whether it is in personal or professional life, it is important to know where you are going. The dream may be bigger for some than others, but it is important to have a dream that can be realised.
Much is said about organisational Vision and the need for it to always be clear. As a school, we aim to develop the skills, talents and interests of all our students as individuals. We have high expectations and high aspirations for all. Our vision is one of academic excellence in a supportive and caring environment. It is our hope that during their time at Invicta, girls will develop certain qualities - they will become knowledgeable, independent, innovative, ambitious, articulate and considerate.
I firmly believe that a vision is secure when you can paint a precise picture of what it will be like if you hit it. For example, by the time our girls leave Invicta, they will develop a true sense of self-worth that will enable them to stand up for themselves and for a purpose greater than themselves, and, in doing so, to be of value to society. Nurturing individuality and yet understanding and appreciating the differences of others is central to our philosophy; it is achieved through our extensive system of support, guidance and care. As such, our theme for this week is ‘Fair Community’ which will encourage all our students to be reflective about their roles and responsibilities in society.
I want at this point to reflect upon our students’ vision as an individual. Peter Drucker, regarded for many years as the top trainer of leaders in America, used to argue that, 'The goals of an organisation are overarching and should be few in number. If you have more than five goals, you have none.' We can have too wide a vision and be utterly unable to reach it. We can attempt too much, we can be vague and woolly. If we have a clear vision - a dream with a date on - we have a much better chance of success.
Linus Pauling, Nobel prize winning Chemist wrote, 'I have had dreams and I have had nightmares. It is because of my dreams that I have overcome my nightmares.' That is what clear vision does, it drives towards goals, it energises, and it empowers to overcome problems. It is exactly this, that I want our students to think of at this point in the academic year.
We all dream but be specific and focused. So, what is your dream? Half way through the academic year, it is a good time, to write that dream down with such clarity no one could miss it! If you can, you are likely to realise the dream this year. It is a challenge but as George Bernard Shaw said: ' You see things; and you say, 'Why? ' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?' And why not for you? Go for it!
So, please do think about those dreams and the need to make that goal clear and meaningful for the rest of this academic year. Whilst thinking of the dream, consider how our community features as part of this. It is important to reflect not only on ourselves but on those around us. On that note, we have a lot to look forward to this term, as a community – our Careers Fair, our Power Day, Duke of Edinburgh Training, Prefect Hustings, Year 8 Options, Debating and Sporting Competitions, the Spring Concert and of course our academic studies!
Mrs J Derrick