Invicta Vlogs
On Thursday, we had a delightful afternoon when our Year 7 hosted an afternoon tea and tour of the school with their Primary Headteachers and Year 6 teachers.
On Thursday, we had a delightful afternoon when our Year 7 hosted an afternoon tea and tour of the school with their Primary Headteachers and Year 6 teachers. It was lovely to see our girls talk about their first few weeks at Invicta with such enthusiasm and animation. To combine this with the comments from the teachers themselves, was a very proud moment. To have Invicta described as visibly ‘warm and dynamic’ along with ‘energy and buzz’ really makes me feel content that Invicta is providing an environment that welcomes, encourages and nurtures our youngsters.
The concept of supporting one another was visibly evident this week too, when we had our first POP (Personal Opportunities Programme) session. I was able to witness Year 7 students working with Year 13 in debating United Nations topics, whilst mixed year groups were sharing ideas on a joint art project and students across all year groups were engaged in sports, enterprise and musical theatre to name but a few. It was an incredible sight! To see how our older students were helping and encouraging their younger peers in such a supportive environment was truly wonderful. I do feel, that this is what makes Invicta the special place it is. I certainly witnessed the ‘warmth’ and ‘energy’ felt by our primary visitors.
Then on Friday, we saw the whole school work together to mark the Macmillan Coffee morning and raise the fabulous sum of £948.72 in just 40 minutes. Once again, to see our House Leaders ‘market’ their cakes and coffee with students from their house was superb. It provided us with the opportunity to observe great leadership and teamwork along with kindness and encouragement. These qualities were seen in abundance and certainly made both myself and other colleagues step back and watch with great pride once again. To follow this with our FIGS event on Saturday, whereby, once again, we saw the collaboration of students in Years 7, 8 and 9 run their own stalls and work with parents and teachers alike to raise over £800 is very special. One thing for sure, is that our education is not just focussed on academia. Our students, staff and parents work collaboratively to have ‘fun’ and it is this aspect that creates the ‘buzz’ that so many of our visitors feel – something I am extremely proud of. I do hope that our visitors this week, at our Open Morning for parents, feel the same ‘warmth and energy’.