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Year 13 Leavers' Celebration
The Senior Prefect Team, led by Amelie and Zahra, sent this report:
On Thursday, 18 May 2023, our Year 13 community experienced a bittersweet last day, filled with anticipation as we embark on our A-Level journey. The day was marked by a memorable leavers’ assembly and games on the field as well as an ice cream van.
Throughout the years, our dedicated teachers have had a profound impact on our educational journey. Together, we tackled obstacles such as coursework and personal statements. Fond memories were forged during our Norfolk residential, alongside many other school trips both UK-based and abroad. RAG week enabled us to raise a lot of money for our nominated charities. The COVID-19 pandemic created huge challenges and saw students and teachers adapting to virtual learning, reduced GCSE exams and finding new ways to keep the school community engaged, for example the virtual quizzes.
Throughout our time here we have seen changes; our school has been extensively renovated with its reception area and building of a new sports hall and Performing Arts Area. As we take our final steps out of school, a mixture of feelings and fond memories go with us. Moving forward, we're committed to staying connected as we all chase our dreams in different directions.
The Sixth Form Team sent this message:
We are extremely proud of Year 13. Despite the challenges that have been faced with during COVID and these therefore being the first public exams they have taken at secondary school, they are taking it all in their stride and have demonstrated true resilience throughout. The last day just epitomised the year group with their positive sense of community and watching them reminisce and speak to teachers who were very keen to get to say goodbye to them was very heartwarming. We wish them all the best on the next step of their journey, believe in yourselves as we believe in you! And keep in touch!