Invicta Vlogs
The February half term always gives us time to reflect on the start of the New Year, and is a welcome opportunity to re-charge those batteries after a long and rather chilly January!
The February half term always gives us time to reflect on the start of the New Year, and is a welcome opportunity to re-charge those batteries after a long and rather chilly January!
Some of our students have not sought to escape the wintery weather, but rather embraced the fresh air on the Italian slopes and Icelandic glaciers. A pretty exciting trip for both groups, I think you’ll agree. Our avid skiers have had a week which I am sure has challenged them both mentally and physically; with many hitting the slopes for the first time. Looking back to my first experience of skiing, I know it took me a great deal of determination and courage to take that leap of faith and trust my instincts - there was a tumble or two before I found my feet! The key to determination is not giving up, learning from what may have gone wrong and building on this to lead towards future success.
Our explorers in Iceland have been able to experience natural wonders first hand - what an amazing way to bring classroom activities to life. I am a great believer in learning by doing, but often it is more difficult to push yourself into situations which expand your horizons and knowledge; particularly when my favourite box set and a bar of chocolate is calling.
Our thought of the week is about showing grit, drive and persistence to achieve your goals, and as we are starting the second half of the term, it is a good time to re-focus our energies towards those resolutions we made, less than two months ago. Take the time to work out what is important to you, what new experiences you want to have and start planning! By doing this, I am sure you can achieve whatever you set your mind to.
As usual, we have a full schedule coming up with many events, trips and challenges to come. Everyone involved in our busy school calendar puts drive and determination into making it the best it can be. I will leave you to reflect on the wise words of entrepreneur Henry Ford:
“If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can’t, you’re right.”