Invicta Vlogs
On Friday last week, we had one of our regular Student Voice meetings.
On Friday last week, we had one of our regular Student Voice meetings. I always enjoy meeting our students and discussing with them, ways in which we can further develop our provision for the girls. We have been working on a Transport Project, whereby our students have developed an awareness campaign to encourage safety and courtesy whilst travelling. As students shared their ideas and presentations, it was very clear that a feeling of supporting one another, of encouraging a sense of ‘belonging,’ was evident and reflects our school’s ethos. I see it in assemblies, in sport and music, drama, in House events and in many other areas of school life.
This week, we will, in a variety of ways continue to promote that sense of belonging. Our family STEM event, the Year 9 Big Bang Visit and the National Theatre Visit to name but a few. Girls may need to be encouraged, sometimes, to take advantage of the social opportunities available to them, but there are many activities and chances to be a part of something.
We are fast approaching a time of year when the emphasis is higher than usual on individual academic achievement, as we only have seven academic weeks until the external examinations, and while this is obviously something we work hard on and celebrate, it is important that we do not lose sight of the over-riding importance of ‘belonging’ and ‘community’ in our school. I would like to remind parents and girls that the school’s pastoral team - their Heads of Years and Form Tutors – and all of their teachers, are always willing to give advice and support to those who might be feeling anxious, particularly during examination time. We are there to support one another!
In the meantime, let all of us remember that a friendly smile or gesture of acknowledgement boosts our sense of belonging and can make all the difference to someone else’s day. I see a lot of this as I walk around the school and it certainly makes me feel very proud that our girls value the care we provide and see the importance of a warm smile. After all, a gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles.